me and the moon

Dr Silke Ackermann, Director, History of Science Museum, Oxford
"beautiful music ... and my toddler's favourite books"
Caroline Moreau, Volunteer Team Leader, University of Oxford Gardens, Libraries, and Museums
Ramadan's Moon Mubarak Greeting
Rana Ibrahim, Founder, Iraqi Women Art and War (IWAW)
"just for a moment, there was some magic the air"
Lizzy Rowe, Volunteer Tour Guide, University of Oxford Gardens, Libraries, and Museums

Dalya Moss, Volunteer, University of Oxford Gardens, Libraries, and Museums
Staring at the same moon anchors us together
Melody Li, Volunteer, University of Oxford Gardens, Libraries, and Museums
Ariel (aka Lionel) Moss, Volunteer, University of Oxford Gardens, Libraries, and Museums
Crescents of the sun in the shadow of the moon
Ariel (aka Lionel) Moss, Volunteer, University of Oxford Gardens, Libraries, and Museums

"To me, the moon means beauty"
Dhamyaa Abass, Volunteer, University of Oxford Gardens, Libraries, and Museums
"The Moon, oh The Moon"
Janet Bull, Volunteer, University of Oxford Gardens, Libraries, and Museums
'Moon Landings'
Rosie Martin, Volunteer, University of Oxford Gardens, Libraries, and Museums
'Resistance to standardisation'
Name, Volunteer, University of Oxford Gardens, Libraries, and Museums

It's a marvellous night for a Moon Dial ...
Before you start
You'll need to print out these three sheets (Quick Tip: print Sheets A and B onto card if you can — or stick onto card before cutting out).

The Moon: belief and time
Why are some festivals — like Christmas — always on the same day, but others — like Ramadan, Diwali, and Easter — on different days each year?
Helen Pooley talks us through how the lunar (Moon) calendar affects when we celebrate religious festivals and what ingeniously beautiful instruments we use to work out when they will fall each year.